Jeffro Uitto born in 1982, was raised and resides in a small coastal town of Tokeland Washington. This is were his creative journey began. As a young child, he was fascinated with the organic forms that surrounded him. Growing up on the ocean with the mountains near by, there was no shortage of inspiration. He started by carving small objects and creating forts and structures on the beach at a very young age. It was in high school that he realized a large potential of what he could create. With encouragement from a close family friend, he stepped into the world of organic furniture, that soon led him into the endless possibility of sculp- ture, often mixing the two.
He feels it is important to celebrate natural forms without imposing his will on the materials. The result is his authentic style with a feeling of energy and life owing through it. Through the years, he has been fortunate to start a family and share the journey with them. They are a big part of his inspiration. His lover Zela McKinstry, often collaborating ideas and sharing her vision - the outcome being some powerful works. Together the artis- tic process gains potency and enjoyment, the collaboration between them, unique and progressive.
The works are displayed and collected throughout the US and in publications across the globe.