Kofi presents us a world that is as beautiful as it is unique, in which his models, even when presenting themselves in provocative poses, uncover a naïf and genuine side that mirrors their purity. The poses vary between seduction and introspection, in which the model seems to dive into its inner realm, totally neglecting our presence. Through their simplicity and sensitivity, they emanate a strong power of attraction.

With a stylized and seductive stroke, contours are able to extend and narrow themselves into a pattern that functions as a structural wireframe. In an ornamental way, their bodies are filled with geometric and fragmented patterns that give them a cubist trait, creating an optical illusion that fuses its volume in a way almost psychedelic, coloured by a deeply African palette.

Kofi has  a unique manner of distorting shapes, going against perspectives and discarding proportions. He does it with wisdom, emphasising the beauty of his nymphs, as he contradicts the classic canons of balance, shape and proportion.

The tiny heads of his muses, contrasting with their excessive bottoms and legs, acquire a mystic that throws us back to the distortion presented by some of the goddesses portrayed in prehistory.

The red and plain backgrounds become almost hermetic and load the whole scene with energy and emotion; they encircle the models with a mantle that simultaneously serve the role of the background and of the floor.

Similarly to African dance, each part of the body moves abiding by its own rhythm, with a grandeur and an importance that has nothing to do with reality. Besides a cognitive distortion, the final product is harmonised under a unique symphony.

By Pedro Boaventura • Excerpt from Masters of Painting - Volume 1

A precise selection of work by Ko Gamamiwosror Agorsor, adequately distinctive, though not entirely idi- osyncratic of his practice in its entirety. Work from his several methodological contexts and techniques are represented. Most of his canvases present a graphic pristineness, reminiscent of screen prints, though they are all gesturally manipulated. Some of these canvases present mannerist abstractions, albeit deliberate, of a centrally placed female form.

This is representative in “Excuse me,” “I am six months” and “Come drink with Me.” There are alsohard-edge renditions that describe rural scenery or urban architectural, as well as social situations; “Surprise” and “Impressive Society.” These may otherwise have been considered generic, if one considers the type of social portraiture that the imagery seems to imply. The canvases however probably do not come out entirely as prosaic, since with Agorsors’s dexterous treatment, there’s a certain subtlety expressed. And although this may also tend to taint the general output with a certain sense of the ornamental, it is readily countered by other canvases that present robust, drippings and inscriptions that evoke visceral reactions to the pristine canvases. Here, I refer to such works as: “Excitement,” “Good Mood” and “Looking at a Woman.” In totality, versatility is indicated.

Text by Bernard Akoi-Jackson

To be an artist doesn't just mean painting, playing music, sculpturing or acting, but also preserving and developing one's spiritual cultural heritage.
• 2012 Peace Splash “The Artist Voice For The Peace Of Mother Ghana” . Accra Ghana (Solo)

2012 Across The Volta To The Niger. Accra Ghana (Solo)

2011 “Munyu” Matters Arising .Essay By Bernard Akoi-Jackson. Accra Ghana (Solo)

2011 3+3. 3 Artists From Denmark, 3 Artists From Ghana, Gallery Gofs – Denmark (Solo)

2011 “Totobieto” (Into The Depths Of Lightness, Darkness And The Spaces In-Between.) Essay By Bernard Akoi-Jacson. Accra, Ghana

2010 Agorsor In Lusaka, Alliance Francaise, Zambia

2010 Pause The Pulse-The Portrait Of Accra, Acc Galerie, Weimar - Germany (Solo)

2010 World Class Contemporary Paintings, The Africa Center, London - Uk (Solo)

2010 Fifa Fineart, South Africa (Solo)

2009 Rendezvous Exhibition And Artists Meet , Nubuke Foundation, Ghana (Solo)

2009 World Class Contemporary Paintings, The Hayloft Courtyards, 3 Bond Street, Chipswick, London- Uk (Solo)

2009 Art In The Garden With Fred Spinnler (Catalogue Launch) Switzerland Embassy - Ghana (Solo)

2009 Africa/Now: Contemporary Art From Africa, Copenhagen - Denmark (Solo)

2008 My Mother, Novotel Hotel, Cotonou- Benin

2007 Rhythms Of Life, Oso Arts Center, Barnes, London - Uk (Solo)

2007 Anansi Masters,Tropen Museum - Holland (Solo)

2007 Concentration , Novotel Hotel, Accra -Ghana (Solo)

2006 Diverse Colours Ii, Fitzroy Square, London - Uk (Solo)

2006 Slides Of Colours, Oso Arts Center, Barnes London - Uk (Solo)

2006 Wohn-Art Ingold, Rohrbach -Switzerland (Solo)

2005 Agorsor - Hotel Berchtold, Burgdorf – Switzerland

2005 Italian Cultural Institute, Ghana

2004 Fima Niamey Ccfn, Niamey- Niger

2004 The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle – Uk

2004 Agorsor The Painter Player, Golden Tulip Hotel, Accra - Ghana

2004 Contemporary Classics, Business Park, London - Uk (Solo)

2004 Black History Month, Alliance Francais, Ghana (Solo)

2003 Bettendorff’sche Galerie, Heidelberg - Germany (Solo)

2003 Total Fina Elf Niamey And Ccfn, Niamey – Niger

2000 The Agorsor: The Painter - Player – Golden Tulip - Ghana

1998 Many Mouths To Feed, Alliance Francais, Accra - Ghana

1997 Signature Gallery, Lagos - Nigeria

1996 Gatobar, Lome -Togo

1990 Signature Gallery, Abuja-Nigeria
• 2012 Peace Splash “The Artist Voice For The Peace Of Mother Ghana”. Accra Ghana 2012 (Exhibition Catalogue, P 21)

2012 Across The Volta To The Niger. Accra Ghana ,2012 (Exhibition Catalogue, P 6-9)

2012 Arthouse Contemporary Ltd. Modern And Contemporary Art. Lagos, Nigeria, 2012 (Auction Catalogue,P101)

2012 Bonhams/Africa Now, London 2012 (Auction Catalogue,P88, Lot #183)

2011 ”Totobieto” (Into The Depths Of Lightness, Darkness And The Spaces In-Between) Essay By Bernard Akoi-Jacson. Accra, Ghana. 2011 (Exhibition Catalogue)

2010 Here And Now- Nigerian Art Meets Ghanaian Art, Essays By Oluwatosin Onile-Ere Rotimi And Wemega-Kwawu, R., Iroko Art Consultants Ltd, Nigeria, 2010 (Exhibition Catalogue, P2)

2010 Arthouse Contemporary Limited, Modern And Contemporary Art, Art Lagos, Nigeria, 2010. Essays By Jegede, B. And Okeke-Agulu, C. (Auction Catalogue, P.53)

2010 Art House Contemporary Limited. Modern And Contemporary Art, Lagos, Nigeria, 2010. Essays By Chika Okeke, A. And Nicodemos, E. (Auction Catalogue, P. 9)

1998 Artisti Contemporanei Del Ghana – Pittura , Scultura, Ceramica(Contemporary Artists From Ghana – Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics), Arte Fiera Pad. 32b4, Bologna ,Italy (Exhibition Catalogue, P10)

Spinnler, F. And Adeyemi E., 1995 – 2005. Zeitgenossische Kunst –Nigeria & Ghana / Contemporary Art In Nigeria & Ghana, Friedrich Reinhardt Verlag, Switzerland. (Pp. 256- 260) Africa /Now: Contemporary Art From Africa 2008 – 2009. Tine Thorup Art, Denmark (Exhibition Catalogue, Pp. 26-27)
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