• 2008 Bayshore Studios, ARTsoup 17, San Francisco
• 2007 "Art on the Block" Auction. Nascent Art New York, New York
• 2007 The Magic Window Lafayette, CA
• 2006 Duo exhibition with Philip Rubinov-Jacobson, Henry Gregg Gallery Dumbo, NYC - Bistro du Soleil, Norwalk, CT
• 2006 Gallery in the Woods, Brattelboro, VT
• 2006 Meherabad, India
• 2005 "The Square Foot Show" Art Gotham, New York
• 2005 Henry Gregg Gallery, Dumbo, New York
• 2005 Selected for 2005 Pommery Pop Art Collection Contest - ARTEXPOS, Jacob K. Javits Center, New York
• 2005 Earth2Mars post productions studio, New York
• 2004 Salon de Quartier Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
• 2004 "Old Masters-New Visions" Viechtach Town-hall, Germany
• 2003 "Paintings in hospital" Sheridian Russel Gallery, London, UK
• 2003 "Brave Destiny" Largest show of living surrealist fantastic and visionary artists, Wah Center, NY
• 2003 "Old Fire Station" Organized by Perdurabo Art Agency
• 2001 3rd Biennale Internationale Dell'Arte Contemporanes, Florence, Italy. - "Myth & Visions" Object Image Gallery, Brooklyn, New York
• 2001 American Showcase, Greeley Square Gallery, New York - World Fine Art Gallery, Chelsea, New York
• 2000 Trio Exhibition with Naomi Rosenblatt and Jose E. Rico, Greeley Square Gallery, New York
• 2000 New Art Gallery, Bantam, CT, USA
• 2000 "NYAD 2000" DFN Gallery, New York
• 1999 "Something at Last" Exhibition, London
• 1999 Salon des Independants, Paris
• 1999 Institute of Physics, London. In Duo with Marc Boneham - The Georges II Gallery, Greenwich, UK
• 1999 Zapp UK, Baker Street, London, UK
• 1989 "Etoile 89" Regional Direction of Youth and Sport, Paris
• 1987 International Contest "B.D. 87" organized by L'Illustre. Comic strip: "L'Intermediare" 1985 - "1er Festoval de la B.D" Reuil Malmaison