"My art is an art of survival, that draws the impulse from the need to rummage through the emotional labyrinth of my soul in an unending search for inner serenity, that can let me be at peace with myself, in order to be the same with all other human beings. This inner peace, that is accessible to all and that nobody can prohibit or steal because it belongs to our conscience, has a positive charge more powerful than evil, that will eventually surrender if the spirituality of art will contaminate the soul of society.
The message that can be drawn, is that of hope for a mankind stripped of its fundamental values, but driven by a growing desperate need for peace and serenity. The "Hearts" "Emotions", "Inner life", "In a Whisper" series is the last and most important series of survival of the emotions and of the need to share and communicate their most impalpable and explosive substance at the same time. Number two, one plus one that becomes one, two hearts that come together and become one big heart, a new entity, the dream comes true. That is: the happiness, that can only be found within us".