In a cinematographic manner, Fabio Hurtado’s characters seem to have come out of a film, through their theatrical stances, and their honest glance, they reveal their emotions and feelings, sometimes they even unveil their thoughts. In a journey through time, which takes us back to the beginning of the previous century, we establish an unavoidable complicity with the characters in constant movement, under permanent change, in a scene that ties and separates two worlds and one destiny.

A succession of turning points, loaded with strong emotions caused by mismatches and reunions. A pure time machine filled with revisited feelings, in which its gears are impregnated with experiences and affections. There’s always someone who arrives, who waits, someone who departs or gets stuck on the first reunion hug or the last farewell kiss.

In every painting there’s a recondite and mysterious space, the source or the destiny, which, despite not being revealed, is present in the glance and gestures of the characters. His models are honest and transparent and they have that rare beauty of being able to express their feelings through their staring, they have nothing to hide, they’re pure, genuine and authentic. 

His stroke is determined, clean and geometric, sometimes it’s stylized. His contours are properly conceived, reinforcing the consistency of the motifs frozen by the moment, totally stopped in time. The colours are light and harmonious, as if they have been faded by time, by distance, in a pastel that evokes nostalgia. The light, diffuse and subtle, slowly glides through the comforting textures of his motifs, in a reinforced, round and seductive dimension.

By Pedro Boaventura • Excerpt from Masters of Painting - Volume 1

Fabio Hurtado was born in Madrid ( Spain ) in 1960. Son of an Italian mother and a Spanish father he went to study to the Fine Arts School in Madrid' s University. After three years of teaching experience, in 1988 he finally dedicated himself entirely to painting. From that moment on his presence in international art circles has been constant, participating in solo and collective exhibitions in Madrid, London, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Bruxelles or Geneve.

He also participated in painting contests receiving numerous awards. In 1996 he was appointed membership of the Rome Academy of Modern Art and the prestigious Financial Times Telecom magazine dedicated a cover page to one of his paintings. Her Majesty Queen Sophia of Spain presented him with a Medal of Honour at the BMW Painting Awards and Hurtado was invited to be part of an exhibition celebrating the 25 Anniversary of Spanish Constitution together with some of Spain' s most important artists.

The Spanish Postal services issued a stamp collection featuring six of his paintings celebrating the role of women and literacy throughout history. Fabio Hurtado is an artist with an unmistakable style expressed through two different sides. The first one is marked by a geometric application in surreal atmosphere compositions...a personal approach to a magic inner world.

Musicians, enigmatic women and a metaphorical representation of birds seem to inhabit this theatrical landscape. The second recreate scenes in an almost cinematographic context, mostly set within the 1920's and 1930' s in a stylish and modern orientated look at women' s new role in society, a poignant statement of the timeless unchanging realities of the human condition.
Solo Exhibitions:

1988 ELG HANIEL (Duisburg) Germany

• 1991 SAMMER GALLERY (Madrid) Spain


• 1994 GALERIA CARTEL (Granada) Spain

• 1995 SAMMER GALLERY (Madrid) Spain

• 1998 ALBEMARLE GALLERY (London) England

• 1998 ARTEXPO (New York) USA

• 2000 ALBEMARLE GALLERY (London) England

• 2001 ALBERT GALLERY (Madrid) Spain

• 2002 STUDIO CITY (Los Angeles) USA

• 2004 ALBEMARLE GALLERY (London) England

• 2005 ALBERT GALLERY (Madrid)

• 2007 ALBEMARLE GALLERY (London) England

• 2009 ALBEMARLE GALLERY (London) England

• 2011 ALBERT GALLERY (Madrid ) Spain

• 2013 ALBERT GALLERY (Madrid) Spain

Group Exhibitions:

• 1984 BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL (Madrid) Spain

• 1985 CENTRO CONDE DUQUE (Madrid) Spain

• 1988 GALERIA ESPALTER (Madrid) Spain

• 1991 ART CHICAGO 91 (Chicago) USA

• 1992 EUROPART 92 (Ginebra) Switzerland

• 1993 GALERIA JAL'd3N (Zaragoza)


• 1997 GALERIA CC22 (Madrid) Spain


• 2001 GRANERO ART GALLERY (Brussels) Belguim

• 2002 GALERIA ALFAMA (Madrid) Spain

• 2003 DEVORZON GALLERY (Los Angeles)  USA


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