Alexey Golovin - Video

Alexey Golovin was born in Saint Petersburg (Russia) in 1977. He studied Fine Art from 1992 - 2006 where he took his Fine Arts Degree at the Repin State Academic Art Institute of the Russian Imperial Academy of Arts (est.1757)  and belongs to the acclaimed Russian-European Academic School of Art. He is a third generation direct descendant student of the world famous Masters: I. Repin, V. Serov, K. Korovin, and V. Favorskiy. They taught D. Kardovskiy, I. Grabar, A. Deineka, S. Gerasimov, renowned artists who taught Mr. Golovins professors. Golovin studied directly under A.Mylnikov, A.Bystrov, V.Pesikov and other distinguished artists and professors of Fine Art. He is a member of the Union of Russian Artists.
The most important thing in painting for me is beauty. You can choose an awful subject, a tragedy, but you must try to paint a picture plastically beautiful and expressive. This is quite a difficult problem. But the more difficult the problem is, the more interesting it is to solve it.

I admire paintings of old masters. They contain everything that I like in painting and that induce me to create. When selecting a classical subject for a picture, I try to make a new, modern interpretation. But at the same time I do not decline traditional manner and technique of painting. Besides figurative pictures, it is interesting for me to work with a still life, a portrait, a landscape, and sometimes to make stained-glass windows and wall-paintings. I think that it is boring to lock myself in one genre.
2000 Awarded with an award "For success in study"

2007 Awarded with an award of "250 years of the Russian Academy of Arts

2009 Awarded the anniversary medal "Union of Russian Artists - 75 years"
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