French sculptor Patrice Hubert, is a self-taught artist renowned for his elaborate Kinetic Mecaniks. This series of sculptures was born from a fusion of metalworks, lights and motion and is reminiscent of insects, birds and carnivorous plants that might exist in a distant, futuristic world.
Early in Hubert’s career, stage shows and events provided a platform on which his other-worldly in atables could be showcased. As his knowledge in programming advanced, so did his work. The addition of motors, rotating parts and lights infuse movement and life into his 4th dimensional sculptures. Hubert cuts, bends and welds metal (mainly steel) into intricate shapes using geometry inspired by nature, fusing the organic with the mechanical.
The artist’s obsession with dates and numbers is revealed by “serial number” titles engraved into the work. This numeric classification systematically strings his Kinetic Mecaniks together. Since 2003, Hubert has participated in more than 130 shows and festivals in France, Europe and in the United States. This summer a collection of his recent works will be on exhibit at the Chateau de Belcastel as well as at Boom Festival in Portugal, the European equivalent of Burning Man.